For my boys, summer is coming to an end and the new school year is starting in less than two weeks. Although we're sad that our summer fun will soon end, we're also excited to start a new school year. We've been spending a lot of time getting things organized to go back to school. Backpacks are being stuffed, school uniforms bought and we have been shopping for items to put in our lunches.
Packing lunches that will fuel my kids brains during school is a big deal for me. I want them to like what they're eating, make sure they're getting enough to eat, as well as not pack their lunch boxes with a bunch of junk. I wanted to share about my family's lunch packing routine and some great Horizon products my family loves.

This year is going to be the first year when my youngest, little Vann, with be heading off to school with my big boys. That means three boys to pack lunches for. Three boys with three different ideas of what is good to eat. And three boys to make sure they are being fed enough at school. I have one non-picky eater, one semi-picky eater, and one extremely-picky eater. Packing their lunches will not be an easy feat.
Luckily, in the past years, our family has found some ways to make packing lunches quicker and easier.
Tip 1: Get a lunch box that is easy to clean and has reusable compartments for sandwiches and snacks. This way we don't have to use plastic baggies that we always seem to run out of. We also like to have a place for and ice pack to keep lunches cool and fresh.

Tip 2: Make all the sandwiches for the entire week at once. We have found that even though this takes a bit of time on Sunday evenings, it makes packing lunches a breeze every other night of the week.
We make all the sandwiches at once and put them in an air tight container in the fridge. Every day after, we just pull one out, not having to worry about making the sandwich mess in the kitchen each evening. And yes, pack lunches the night before, not the morning of. Once you get in the habit of this, life will be so much easier.
I actually make the boys pack their own lunches while I am making dinner. Then all the mess is cleaned up at the same time.

Tip 3: Get snacks and fruit the kids will eat. I don't think school is the place to make kids try foods or eat foods they don't love. I think it is great to have kids try new foods any other time, such as dinner or at restaurants, etc. But at school, they need to focus on learning, not whether or not they like what is in their lunches. My boys like snacks like cheese and crackers, veggie slices, fruit and of course a treat.
These Horizon Organic Sandwich Crackers are a favorite of my boys...and mine too!!

We also enjoy the Horizon Organic Snack Grahams and Snack Crackers.

Tip 4: Pack water and a drink. My kids like to have a drink of some sort in their lunches, but I also like them to have water. Hydration is important for many reasons.

These Horizon Organic Milk Boxes are some of the boys' favorites. They come in a variety of flavors and have been a staple in our house for a long time.

Tip 5: Tell kids to leave all trash and leftover food in their lunch boxes so that you can see what they have and haven't eaten. Over they years I have found that my kids were throwing away perfectly good food and telling me to buy things that they didn't really eat. Like last year when my son made me buy him yogurt tubes for months and his friends finally telling me that he didn't eat them but threw them in the trash each day. Now I have them leave everything in their boxes so I can see if I am over packing, not packing enough or putting things in their lunches that are a waste. I can save and reuse items that are nonperishable which has saved me so much money.

These tips have made packing lunches a breeze in my home, and actually an enjoyable family time together. Its good to know that my boys are happy with the food I give them and are fully satisfied while at school. I want them to spend their time at school learning, not being hungry or filled with food that doesn't fuel their brains. We will be ready for Back-to-School!

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