wow, we have received some great questions! keep them coming!
Q: "my daughter (age 7 - Grade 3) is stronger in her math skills and weaker in reading/writing. This year she is supposed to read 20-30 minutes daily. While she enjoys math-related homework, it can be frustrating to try to get her to read a longer (chapter book) by herself. I’d love to hear your thoughts on motivation techniques or recommendations on a specific series of books that she might enjoy..."
A: "By honoring how your daughter feels about reading, you allow her to move ahead at her own pace without guilt or stress. You are a wise parent to be concerned about beginning where she is, rather than to focus upon where she is supposed to be.
To establish a base line confidence level, begin by providing reading material below or slightly below her present grade level. Read along with your daughter daily for the first 15 minutes, concentrating on character development and story line rather than upon word recognition. Discuss what she predicts will happen or changes she would make if she could. Then give her the last 5 to 10 minutes to read alone. Use a timer to signal that reading time is over, lights out. Reading is a privilege not a chore or a task. Hopefully she will wish for more time and make good use of learning oportunities which would allow her to read far into the night all by herself.
Your daugther may enjoy reading and solving math story problems. Students who have a gift for numbers and pattern recognition, are able to enhance possible weaker reading and writing skills by creating and writing math story problems to share with instructor and classmates.
~ Faye Georgette Yee M.A. Education, M.S. Family Counseling
i personally loved the Ramona series of books by Beverly Cleary when i was little. i read them over, and over!
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