It's that time of year again, time for teacher appreciation week. If you have been searching the internet for something to give your teacher, here is an idea that is simple and yummy. How about giving your teacher a jar of homemade jam.

I made these for my kid's teachers on the last day of school last year, and they were a big hit. For their everyday teachers, I made large jars of jam, and for the other teacher helpers and workers around the school got small jars of jam.
Freezer jam is super simple to make. all you need is strawberries, sugar, and a box of Sure-jell (in the yellow box). follow the directions for the freezer jam. I used my blender to puree the 2 cups of strawberries. make sure to measure your ingredients accurately. One box makes approximately two large mason jars or 5 small mason jars of jam.

and there is no wrapping necessary. i have include the free berry jam printable for you to use. just print it onto cardstock and place it between the jar lids. you can also tie a ribbon with a card to top. there are too option to choose from, "Thanks for being a BERRY nice teacher" and "Thanks for being BERRY sweet."
click here for the free teacher gift printable
do you have a class that teaches how to make printable? or know of one in OC?