I've been researching a lot about great treatments that not only make you feel good about yourself, but they also help improve your skin. I really wanted a treatment to help with anti-aging, and bring back that youthful glow of my skin.
At first I was hesitant, as i have never been big into beauty treatments and pampering myself. But after meeting with the CostmetiCare group, I really felt that there was some great information that I could bring to my readers. Ihis journey has been rather exciting, I've found that I really do enjoy a little pampering.
I am writing about my personal experience so that anyone who has been wondering or thinking about getting non-invasive beauty treatments could see what it's like.
My First Facial Skin Peel and What Happened
When I was trying to decide what skin care treatments to get, I knew that I wanted to do something about the sun damage on my face. I was a swimmer, a waterpolo player and swim instructor in my life before kids, and have to admit that I wasn't the most diligent when it came to putting on sunscreen.

Besides getting the HydraFacial...which I LOVED BTW, I wanted to do something stronger for my skin. at first I thought I would get Laser Skin Rejuvenation. I do have the right skin type, which is very important to determine before you get this procedure. But after consulting with Lisa, the aesthetician at CosmetiCare, we decided on a skin peel.
Since I am out in the sun a lot and with my lifestyle, a chemical skin peel would be a better fit. We chose the Vitalize Peel for my face – this peel helps fight the effects of time, sun damage and environmental assaults. It's powerful, yet non-damaging, and can take years off aging skin with very little downtime.
After the the skin peel, I was told my skin would most likely, lightly peel or flake. And I was told some of the benefits of skin peels:
- Can be used on most skin types
- Little or no down time
- Have great results when it comes to reducing sun damage
- Improve the tone and texture of the skin
- Minimize the appearance of acne scars and fine lines

What Happened During the Skin Peel
Once Lisa prepared my face for the Vitalize Peel, she applied the peeling and retinol solutions to my face. at first, I felt nothing, but then my skin got hot and a little bit stingy. However, it wasn't unbearable, and because I had a fan blowing air on my face, it wouldn't even say it was painful. this happened twice during the proceedure as Lisa when through the steps of skin peel procedure. Then it was done.
Fall and Winter are great times to get skin peels, you do not want to get them during times of the year when you will be out in the sun a lot. A skin peel can take 1-3 layers of skin off depending on which type you get. Laser skin rejuvenation can take 5 layers off, so it is a lot harsher and there is more down time. Not everyone is a candidate for the laser, but most anyone can get a skin peel.
My Healing Process After my Facial Skin Peel
Here's what I looked like right after the skin peel. My skin actually felt great. No pain...just some redness. It's coated with sunscreen and lotion to keep it safe during the healing process, and I was able to go about my day as normal. I left feeling very excited about the outcome!
Day 1
Day 2 & 3 - There was no huge change during the next two days. My skin was red, but didn't start peeling until the end of day three. It didn't hurt at all and I kept it hydrated with coconut oil and lightly washed it day and night.
Day 4 - This was one of my worse days. Not because of any pain, but appearance wise, my skin was red, flakey and sooo dry. It didn't feel great...but it didn't hurt. Plus it was just super annoying that it wasn't smooth and was stiff.
I was careful not touch it, even when it got itchy from the flaking. It never ended up peeling in "sheets" of skin like some people experience, just lots and lots of flaking. When I would wash it, it got so dry I couldn't stand it.
So for the next few days, I just washed my face with plain water and slathered it with coconut oil. LOTS of it. The redness seemed to continued to get worse for days 4-7, but sensitive skin can react this way.
Excuse the bad photos...I'm not great a selfies LOL.
Day 8 through 13 - After the initial flaking, my skin continued to transform.
Around day 8, it got to the point where I started to feel like maybe my skin was too sensitive to have gotten a peel. It was itchy and scaly feeling. It didn't look bad, just red, and every time I would wash it, and felt like I had no moisture left in it. My face was super dry.
I kept the moisturizer going multiple times a day. To be honest, after 8 days of this, I started getting annoyed that it wasn't smooth and soft. But atlas, on the evening of day 8, my skin finally started to calm down.
The next morning i woke up and felt my face take a turn for the better. it was starting to feel more soft than dry, and each day after that, it got prettier, softer...the redness faded. I began to love the results.
This is a photo of me on day 10. Still a lot of redness and some peeling still happening. My skin was not as dry as before. I'm wearing SkinMedica Dermal Repair Cream.
Day 18 - Finally, here is my skin today. I'm not wearing a drop of makeup here or in the very first photo on this post. I know it's a little hard to see in the photos from the before and after, but I can tell you that there is a significant difference.
The overall appearance is clearer and more even. My pours are smaller and the dark spots around my eyes and on my upper lip have significantly lightened. Even my friends have told me that my skin looks much softer.
There is still a bit of redness due to my sensitive skin, but every day it improves. I can truly say that i LOVE the results. It was worth the two weeks of dryness and redness. It has also made me excited to start a new skin care regimen which I will be sharing soon. I want to continue with these great results and bring my skin to the best it can be.
So, what do you think?
What are my final thoughts on the skin peel?
I love it! I'm very happy with the results and would do it again. It was worth that week of uncomfortableness to have the skin i'm experiencing today. I realize now, how important it is to have a licensed professional administering these kind of procedures. It's imperative to get the right peel for your skin type...skin is a very delicate thing, and you don't want scarring or irreversible damage done to it. Luckily, Lisa determined how sensitive my skin was and made sure the peel that I got would not be too harsh.
If you are interested in getting a chemical skin peel or just want some of your questions answered, you can get a free consultation at CosmetiCare. They really know their stuff and I am positive you will love the staff. It's time to feel good about you in the New Year!
Stay tuned for more CosmetiCare experiences. I am excited to share my next adventures with you. In the meantime, you can read about the CosmetiCare experiences I've already had...
My first Hydra Facial
My first experience learning about Non-invasive Skin Care
Thank you for sharing the process. I had a chemical peel, and it took roughly a few weeks for the peeling to finally end similar to you. Thanks again for sharing, reading this makes me want to go again!